20 Best HTML5 Free Templates

HTML5 Free Templates

HTML5 has came a long way ahead of Flash now in almost every field. Created in 1990 HTML has never thought of a U-turn or turning back!! Its latest version is HTML5. HTML5 defines the fifth major revision of the core language of the World Wide Web. This HTML5 is changing web work and trends, … Read more

20+ Best HTML5 And CSS Templates

HTML5 CSS Templates

HTML5 defines the fifth major revision of the core language of the World Wide Web, HTML Creating a professional and modern looking website now-a-days is not a difficult task With ready-to-use HTML5 and CSS templates resources available on the web. The amount of knowledge and experience collected at one place for front end developers is really intimidating. While using these templates you will get new ideas as well that you have not previously thought of.

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